Chapter 4 - The Fairy Godmother Dispels the Evil Spell

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Alongside my criminal complaint against Eric, I had also initiated proceedings before the family court. Why? Because suddenly Eric's paternal instincts overwhelmed him and he was loudly claiming his rights over his child. As it turned out, the criminal and family court decisions were handed down at about the same time. But anyway, let me tell you more about the family court case and how that panned out...

Five months after the Easter Attack, Zoe was a one-year-old.

The family court was one of those ideas popping out of Sofia's head, the way her classical adages pop as if from a pop-out cake. As you've guessed by now, Sofia Smyth is our myth's fairy godmother. She's a Canadian friend and confidante, as well as a lawyer admitted to the Law Society of Upper Canada. At the time, she was a corporate lawyer working in Paris for a multinational company. Nevertheless, even though her expertise has nothing to do with French family or criminal law she was of enormous help. How? Well, she's one of those people that think outside the pop-out cake!

Appalled by the shortcomings of the French legal system vis-a-vis the violence inflicted on Zoe and myself, Sofia promptly dug her heels into the French law. Having done some quick research, she informed me that under international and French law, the primary consideration, the key to any family law decision is 'the best interest of the child'. She even quoted excerpts from the 'International Convention on the Rights of the Child', such as article 19-1: "States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of violence, physical or mental injury or abuse, neglect or neglect, abuse or exploitation [...] while in the care of his parents or one of them [...]".

Disheartened by the criminal justice system, I was anxious about the impending family court proceedings. However, Sofia put my mind at ease during one of our lengthy late-night phone conversations—those conversations had become my life vest. I hardly ever had time to see anyone during normal hours or in person. By the time I got home (generally at 8:00 pm) put Zoe to bed and skimmed over Eric's multiple SMSs, the clock would be striking midnight. I felt awful that I was regularly unloading on Sofia, and at such ungodly hours. On this occasion, and surprisingly, for the first time, she told me what she really thought of Eric. I guess she was just as drained with my situation as I was and her filters were clogged.

"Actually, Katya, he was rather creepy from the start!"

"Oh, really? You never said anything back then," I murmured lamely.

"Unblinding love, is a dangerous venture... The messenger always gets shot!"

"I promise I won't shoot!"

"Okay, let's speak truthfully then," she said ominously. I gulped so hard, I nearly swallowed my tongue but timidly said 'yes'. She didn't temper her words: "Already, during your pregnancy, he was pretty much absent," she said. "Even for the birth, he did little more than drop you off at the maternity ward and make a fast getaway... Then it took him a week to come back to the hospital to visit you and his daughter."

"He said he was exhausted and didn't have the strength to make the trip," said I, briskly.

Instantly, Sofia retorted with: "Yeah, he keeps his strength for the slapping good times!" I could feel the heat of Sofia's frustration as she steamed on: "Well, I can't say I'm surprised with the unfolding of events!"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I remember the third day you were in hospital, when I came to visit you. His sister, brother-in-law and toddler nephew were there, but no Eric. Then he called you, only to announce that, once again, he wasn't coming... In fact, apart from pick-up and drop-off, he never came to the hospital at all, did he?"

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