Stalked 3.

50 1 4

"Stop Lego! Stop!", I shout while he's licking my face.
Finally he listens and stops, but that doesn't help me.
I manage to get Chica off of me and stand back up again.
Great. My face is wet from dog saliva.
Why does he always have to do that?
Ugh whatever...
"Thank's Lego", I say sarcastically.
He just barks and looks at me before he goes playing with Chica.
I go into the bathroom and wash my face.
"I should better go under my blanket again but fiiiirst-", I go into the kitchen and make me some cereals since I don't have anything else to eat right now and sit back on the couch, kind of rolling myself into the blanket again.
"Let's see what's on TV right now..."
I turn on the TV and scip through different channels until a horror movie shows up.
I read the description.
Sounds good to me!"
I eat my cereal and watch the movie.
After some minutes I place the emptied bowl in front of me on the table and lay down on the couch to continue the movie.
Without even noticing, my eyes slowly begin to close and I fall asleep.


I wake up and realize that I'm laying in a small room, on a bed

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I wake up and realize that I'm laying in a small room, on a bed...
Or Wait- That's not a bed!
That's a table!
"Why am I la-"
I stop as I try to move my hands.
"Why am I tied up on a table?!
What the hell is going on?!?"
My eyes widen as I suddenly spot a circular saw hanging above my head.

|Hello Mark. I wanna play a game...|

I start to tremble a bit after a deep voice came out of the TV, standing in the corner.
As I look where the voice came from, a puppet appears on the screen.

|I guess you've realized the saw above your head and your tied up hands and feet? Of course you have. I see you trembling...|

I stare at the TV, not knowing what to do.
"P-please let me g-go.
I d-don't wanna play your game!"

|It's too late. Now listen or you'll die in less than a second.|

I gulp and keep my mouth shut.

|It's very simple: You just have to untie your hands, but you have to hurry up.
If you're too slow, your head will be sawn in two halves soon. Otherwise...I don't think you'll have less pain while freeing your hands.|

My trembling gets even worse and my breathing goes faster.

|That's all information you need.
Wish you good luck.~|

He turns off the TV, probably still watching me through the camera in the corner on the ceiling and the room becomes silent. There's nothing else to hear than my fast breathing, until the saw starts moving...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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