The Curious Spencer

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"Kiss me! Kiss me, James!"

"I swear, Spencer, shut up!"

James had been the victim of Spencer's relentless teasing for the past quarter of an hour, when this manic pixie dream girl, happened to 'accidentally' bump into him.

After a rush of appoligies from the girl, whom he now knew as Emma Knight, she departed, but not before kissing him on his right cheek, whilst slipping a slip of paper in his hand, with a hastily written number.

James ran his hand through his hair on the hot summer day while pulling the luggages and listening to Spencer's loud kissing noises, as they walk to their dorm rooms across the campus.

"James, there was nothing 'accidental' about it. She threw herself onto you! Awwww James, she wants youuuuuu!"

Spencer thought to shut it, when James abruptly stopped and looked up at her, from the campus map.

She had always known James to be a good looking boy with his dirty blonde hair and hazel brown eyes even though the girls at home didn't pay much attention to him.

This particular day he had opted for a plain white t shirt with a huge picture of a pink doughnut in the middle, which stuck to his body in the heat. Despite his debatable choice of clothes, Spencer noticed a few girls eyeing him during their walk through the campus.

Knowing James, he doesn't have a clue, Spencer thought, smiling to herself, whilst James reappeared from hunching over the map, looking triumphant.

"Okay that is the west dorm, the boys' dorm " he said pointing to the building in the far corner of the campus.

"And over there is the east dorm, for the girls. James concluded pointing in the opposite direction.

"It is time, my friend, that I must leave you, for we have arrived at a crossroad, from which we must continue our journey alone!" Spencer willed herself to be serious and bit her lips to stop laughing.

"Drama queen".

James grinned and shook his head carrying his things once again. Spencer's lively attitude was getting contagious as James too began to chuckle at his friend'a dramatized goodbye.

They were both laughing in the middle of the campus with lost looking students with determined faces scurrying around them. But the thought of attracting attention didn't bother Spencer and being around her, it didn't bother James as well.

He loved the way her hand moved to tuck her long auburn hair behind her ears, when she was laughing. He loved how her dark brown eyes had this twinkling effect, without a care in the world and her lips stretched into a genuine smile with a hint of mischief .

"I'll call you later Spencer!" James yelled after Spencer as they both departed to settle into their rooms.

"Be sure to keep an eye on your girl, James!"

Spencer's loud laugh followed her equally loud shout to which surely caused some heads to turn in curiosity. They both continued their way to their dorms with a smile filled with excitement in their faces; Spencer excited to explore this new stage of life and James excited to spend the college life with with the spontaneous Spencer.


Spencer found her dorm room with no difficulty; following the signs and asking around Spencer hauled her things to the room 83.

She opened the door to encounter two tangled bodies in the corner bed, in a very intimate embrace but at the sound of the closing door, both girls sprang apart as if a fire was ignited between them. However whilst one fixated her sight at the floor, the other looked highly amused.

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