Chapter 3

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Dawn was still hours away, Lithia could hear the birds stirring outside her quarters as she stretched in her bunk. She rose at the sound of approaching footsteps, her black hair hung down to her elbows. She bunched it tightly as she crossed to the window and tied it in a neat ponytail. Loose strands hung at the edges of her face, framing her sharp features. She flicked a switch and the armoured shutters slid open. The artificial light of the compound stabbed at the surrounding forest, illuminating the clearing around the perimeter. Her dark eyes scanned the treeline for movement, before settling on the soldiers in the watchtowers.

The Rangers training facility was located deep in the wilds of the second line, a large chain of islands to the west of the Inner Circle. The Second Line wasn't considered safe like the Inner Circle, but it was a paradise compared to The Colonies. Towns and cities dotted the islands, there was enough farmland to support the population and people were generally content.

Vast areas of thick forest still covered some of the larger islands. Creatures lurked in the depths of these wild lands, but the military kept them under observation. They were large and varied but lacked the hyper-aggressive tendencies of the mainland beasts. The semi-intelligent tribes of the islands had been wiped out nearly four hundred years ago. Settlers from the inner circle moved in for the natural resources and the tribes were forced out soon after.

The forest surrounding the training compound was a suitable mirror of those on the continent. It made an excellent training environment but came with its own set of risks. Packs of Borax had taken to prowling the perimeter fence and it had put the guards on edge.

The Footsteps stopped outside Lithia's quarters.

"What is it?" she called.

"Captain Wilder wants to speak to you urgently sir."

"I'll take the call in the command centre, tell him to expect me shortly."

Lithia dressed in her grey skirmish gear and collected a packet of rations as she departed her quarters. Large banks of floodlights battered the darkness with unnatural light. A frigid wind whipped at her extremities bringing the scent of the coast with it. The command bunker stood in the centre of the compound. Extending only a meter above the ground, sloped walls gave the building a sleek profile. A radio tower pierced high into the sky, sprouting numerous dishes and aerials, connecting the training facility with the wider world. The heavy metal doors slid open and the hum of radio chatter and fluorescent light spilt into the gloom.

Lithia settled into an empty chair, the collection of screens in front of her shifted to a comfortable viewing angle, a light flashed onto her face and the screens flickered to life. A man with broad shoulders and a strong jaw waited on screen, short brown hair swept across his brow. Deep shadows hung around his bloodshot eyes.

"Colonel Lithia sir."

"Captain Wilder, what's the problem?"

"Omega platoon has gone missing, sir,"

"How many are missing captain?"

"Everyone, all five units,"

"Half your company? What happened!"

"I, I don't know sir, I've been reviewing the information but there's little to go on. They last checked-in five days ago, nothing unusual. They were due to resupply last night but the airship failed to make contact..." The captain trailed off. Lithia was busy scrutinising a map of the mainland. Her fingers danced over glowing icons, tracing patterns in the soft aqua light. Forty blue markers appeared on the map and melded to form five larger icons scattered around the western plains.

"My remaining platoon is suiting up as we speak, we should be in the area in 8 hours to reestablish contact or begin a search as appropriate," said Captain Wilder. Lithia sat silently, her fingers forming a peak in front of her face. "With your permission, sir," added the Captain.

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