The Nature of the Beast

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"Everybody get to the chopper!"

The stern-faced representative from the US Embassy in Amunville probably didn't intend to quote Predator. Kurt and Marlene chuckled anyway as they boarded the helicopter.

Sohail struggled to climb into the rickety Bell Huey, lugging a duffel bag of equipment. The chopper landed in a muddy clearing just outside of Qufar village in eastern Khasib. The mid-afternoon glare reflected off its propellers.

"Man, it breaks my heart to leave the villagers behind like this," said Sohail. "I am totally feeling my first world privilege right now."

"Sure, just go ahead and make it about yourself," snapped Kurt.

"Cut the drama—both of you!" said Amari, locking his seat-belt. "We've got enough problems on our hands already."

"Look, I just don't think it's fair that Nabila and Joost can't join us," said Kurt.

"Yeah, well, take it up with Uncle Sam. This thing can only bring four of us, and the Embassy said Americans get priority," said Amari. "We can discuss the relative fairness of US diplomatic policy once we're safe in the capital."

Sohail looked out the window as the cluster of tin-roofed shacks receded into the distance. Beyond the hamlet was the dense woodlands of Doctor Yousef Bakr National Park.

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The beat-up Land Rover Defender navigated the dusty roads of the Central Highway. On the crackling AM radio, government emergency broadcasts urged citizens to stay calm and remain indoors, particularly near the country's eastern borders.

"It is what it is," said Nabila, cursing in Arabic under her breath. She had already moved beyond her initial rage and was now focused on getting the hell out of Qufar.

The highway cut across Qufar province into the capital in Amunville via Dukki Gel and Aryamani. They had made the drive in about eight hours when they first came to town but now there would be checkpoints and roadblocks along the way. Because of the sudden departure, their guide Ruslan had not been able to fill up the gas tank. They would need to stop for petrol in New Kerma.

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