Soft Muscles

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I watched as the king and queen of the campus walked hand -in- hand with sweet smiles towards me.

"Hey there annoying best friend, I missed you!" the queen said, which is sadly my best friend.

I just swayed my hips and said "Oh, you only miss me when you need something" with a squeal.

The king laughs, well he is really invincible you know, he used to be, but since he is the Queen's behalf he became a King in which he disapproves the most, just wanting to be hidden somewhere forgetting that his behalf is a popular queen in the campus.

So basically well unfortunately I have to spend my class time with her, because obviously she's my classmate duh! So they got a little lovey dovey in front of me that I snorted loud for them to stop and shook their heads, well I'm used to it, though knowing I wouldn't be able to find someone who'll love me the way I am, especially like I'm a pretty dancer who has the talent to make girl screams that disgusted me much because duh, isn't it obvious? I'm gay, so what? I love myself the way my best friend love herself that's why we got along fast. So I was snapped back to reality with a tugged in my arm but I technically to look down a little to see a pair of eyes glaring at me.

"Are you in hell already?"

"Oh, if i were in hell so do you?" I retorted.

"Just wondering though, because you know the time is-"

"Oh, sucks... Shall we." and I led the way towards our classroom and the Queen's daydreaming started just as we settled down in our chairs, I just let her because duh, let's face it, she became a queen because she excelled in both sports and academics. That leads me to wonder, how on earth is she able to answer quizzes, oral recitations and perform her performance task very well and with flying colors, I mean come on, I'm sitting here trying to reason out what was the teacher discussing while her, just openly day dreaming, how rude. But fortunately, she loves me much to make me fail so she help me, no not on cheating but rediscussing the lesson and answering my questions just its nothing to her. Hey, snapped about it, it's my story stop babbling about her it's my show now! See, we're really are best friends but, I'm just good at having poker face like I'm just listening to the teacher while day dreaming like this, because why on earth will I'll listen when I know I won't be able to learn a thing.

And the day goes on and on and on and on... Streetlights! Hahahaha, why can't I sing? I'm just so happy, you know my favorite part of the day... My practice in the dancing club! So we started the daily routine, and then practice time!

I danced like there's no tomorrow and no one's following that rained groans at my back, I just laughed and shrugged. Well yeah, I'm their instructor, and I tend to forget that... "I'm really am sorry, its just I forgot." We started from the start and now I danced slowly, letting them follow my moves until the end of the song and then, we repeat once again before we called it a day. The practice is just somehow for a presentation as the school celebrates the club's month, in which every club must present a presentation according to the club's name or whereabouts.

As I was about to get in my car, yes my very owned car, well actually my parents bought it for me but it's mine now, somebody no an arm stops me by holding my upper harm that I jerked of because my skin is just to precious to be just touched by whoever. "What the hell!" See, queen and I are literally and totally best friends!

"I'm sorry, really am... I was calling you but you didn't hear me so I have to like wake you up or something. I didn't mean to scare you or touch your precious skin. I'm really so sorry... Oh, I'm babbling, I'm sorry." I gave him a confuse look " Okay, I'll shut up"

I laughed totally, because the boy in front of me is flaming red across his face. Did I say a boy? Yeah, a very- " What do you need?" I asked annoyingly, by myself... Cause, God... the boy is an angel!

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