Chapter 11

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Having entered the Ball with Adams arm wrapped around me was as alerting as a neon coloured dress for as soon as stepped inside, eyes flickered towards us, some in confusion, some in distaste and especially some with envy. It wasn't as dramatic as in the movies where everyone turns abruptly and in a very blunt fashion just, stares. No, in fact it was a very swift and sly, these glances, enough to capture me and Adam and return to their group beginning their rumours.

Adam however was unfazed by this whole situation, as if he couldn't see the groups of people throwing accusing looks towards us, and lead me through the people into a slightly less concentrated area. Whilst dodging past sweeping dresses and dark coloured suits, I couldn't help but catch snippets of their conversions to which I clenched my jaw involuntarily.

"The murderer, how dare h-"

"- no remorse?? Who does he think he is? I- "

"Shut up Emily! He does look hot. Look at hi-"

"-that girl? Seen today gone tomorrow!"

"- allowed him? And where did he pick her up?"

To such words I could literally feel steam coming out of my ears but I lifted my chin up, looking ahead and clung on to Adam in an obvious manner, before I turned back with a menacing glare, daring anyone to speak up any of their hushed exclamations.

I hadn't quiet decided how I really felt about the things going around about Adam. Why would all these people make these pointless rumours without any truth grounded in reality?

But if I then think of Adam killing that girl, taking away her life, I feel the mere idea so ridiculous that I feel stupid even considering it. Regardless of how much Adam has changed, it doesn't mean that he had killed her. There must be something that has happened causing him to change so much leaving the people with so much to talk about. It's not that I could simply ask him, because in reality it's always so much more harder.

Why do I care about what had happened when he himself chose to dispose me from his life?

But hearing anyone speak about him in that fashion didn't feel good. In fact I wanted to go cut off their tongue and feed it to each other. So yeah it didn't feel good at all. They even made infuriating comment about me! I mean they don't even know me enough to speak of me in that way.

I seriously liked the idea of the tongues.

Arriving in our quiet sanctuary in a corner near the food table, I let go of Adam and he released me. On his face he wore an amused grin and an familiar expression from our days when we were inseparable to which I challenged,"What?".

He chose to keep his mouth zipped and shook his head in an attempt to let it go, trying hard not to smile but smiling nonetheless. I think that was the first time after all these years I have seen him smiling like that, or even smiling at all, so I was taken aback slightly.

Did all those accusing comments have no effect on him?

I searched his face for any trace of hurt or anger but now his face had a calm and thoughtful expression, any previous amusement gone. In an annoyance of his sudden change of mood I asked him,"did you not hear any of what they were saying?" I knew my tone sounded demanding, needing an answer.

In the silence that followed I noticed the that there is a soft classical piece playing in the background to which some couples proceeded to dance and the rest shifting towards the edge, clearing the area. Adam looked at me first and I knew he was thinking of how of to respond but I didn't know if he was wanting to tell me what had happened.

To avoid his gaze I turned my line of sight slightly to see the couples dancing blissfully to the melodic tune whilst making it obvious to Adam that I was still expecting an answer. I was surprised when I felt his cold hands against mine, pulling my entire attention to him to which I turned and looked up at him. Any previous annoyance had disappeared and now I was waiting for him to tell me something. Anything to make me feel included in this confusing life of his; even all these people seemed to know about the incident that had occurred but me. All I knew was bits and pieces and I had felt so distant not knowing.

"May I have the pleasure of having this dance with you?"

What? I raised my eyebrows to catching him out of his joke. But he repeated himself as if I hadn't heard him the last time.

He was serious.
He wanted to dance with me?

Before I could either say yes or no he pulled me in by the waist with his hand so our bodies crashed together and sweeper me away towards the center of the hall. I followed his steps and I was happy to do so because if I lead then we would've been on the floor along with the rest of the couples in a very injured manner. Through out the dance his eyes never left mine nor did he show any acknowledgement of any other people and their fugitive glances towards us. I couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated under his gaze which lead me to break the connection and stare at something behind him. Something about the way he looked at me made me feel very conscious and bare. As if he can see what I'm thinking and what I'm feeling. His clutch on my waist tightened when I lowered my gaze from him but I couldn't look back up, afraid that he'd find all the years worth of feeling confused and hurt.

"Look at me, Liana". He merely whispered the words but heard them echoing off the walls and into my ears.

I had to look up.

I felt the need to look at him.

We were still dancing to the music along the rest of them.But somehow I felt as if we were inside a cocoon, hidden away, not seen by any of the other. But I knew how they must've been looking at us. How they might be talking about us. Despite all this it didn't matter anymore. It seemed petty and cowardice the way they said all of this behind his back.

"Do you believe them?" His voice rang out of nowhere in the middle of my thought. It took me a moment to understand what he meant and then I caught on. Did I believe that Adam had killed the girl?

I cleared my voice quietly to say something, anything and looked up to see Adam's eyes hooked straight into mine and it was then that I noticed how his eyes changed from soft brown to dark black making me jump back slightly, questioning my sight. Noticing my sudden alarmed expression, he suddenly stopped us and pulled me by the hand, out the side door, into a small, dimly lit room. When I caught sight of his eyes again, they were back to the normal light brown they always were. Now I was hallucinating. Brilliant!

"W wh what was that!" I exclaimed slightly uncertain what I had seen my self but he brushed my question aside with a swift motion and asked me again, stressing upon each word.

"Do you believe them, Lia? He gripped my arms and shook me gently in an attempt to get me to answer.

I knew the answer to that. I had always known. I didn't believe them. I believed not a word they spoke of my Adam. But what I said to him in response was totally different.

"Give me a reason not to."

I knew the effect that my answer had on him. I saw his questioning eyes turn back to a hard, cold shield, his expressions hardened. He released his grip from my arms and turned away and I instantly resented myself for turning him back into the unresponsive guy he had turned into. Before I could open my mouth to say something, anything, Adam's hand pushed me against the door and blocked the way with his hands on either side. I gulped and willed myself to continue breathing as he lowered his head, dangerously close to my face.

I closed my eyes in painful anticipation.

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